The St. Petersburg Masterskaya Theatre Repertoire

A Tale of a Fisherman, his Wife and a Fish

The Brothers Grimm

An old-time story with transformations

Alexander Pushkin’s fairytale “About a Fisherman and a Fish” is well-known by all Russians, but few are aware that the basic plot of it was derived from the Grimm story about a fisherman who caught a magic fish and about his greedy wife. A fisherman who lives in a humble hut with his wife one day catches a flounder that turns out to be an enchanted prince who will grant his every wish. The fisherman has no wishes, but his wife wishes for more and more…

On stage the storyteller brothers and the characters that they invented exist side by side. In their humorous arguments the we see the combined process of composition, which will be interesting to follow not only to children but to adults as well. From several possible variants
on how the plot could unfold the authors and characters choose the only one that will make the fairytale a fairytale.

The story unfolds in a contemporary manner, full of music and dance, making it a fun show for audiences 6 and up and for family viewing.

The premiere took place on 30 May 2014.
Duration: 1 hour with no intermission.

Director – Larisa Markina
Production and Costume Design – Yuri Grigoriev
Choreography – Nikolai Kuglyant
Musical Director – Larisa Markina